Shop for Overton Park
Simply by shopping you can help earn cash for Overton Park Elementary. Please take a minute to link your rewards cards and online accounts, and encourage your friends and family to do the same!
If you have any questions, email Lauren Redwine.
Box Tops for Education
Click here to download the app and scan your receipts. You'll find Overton Park Elementary when you register. Each box top is worth 10 cents for Overton Park Elementary.
Amazon Smile
AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of all eligible purchases to OPE when we shop. Such an easy way to support our school!
Follow instructions below:
If you are not already an AmazonSmile member, sign up on your WEB browser or click here:
Then, download or update to the latest version of the Amazon App on your phone. You can find it in the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (for Android). Note: you may have to delete your amazon app, and then re-install the latest version.
Once you have installed the latest app, you should be able to go into your Amazon app and click 'Settings' in the main menu and tap on 'AmazonSmile' - then follow the on-screen instructions.
In years past, you had to shop from a WEB browser but now we are able to sync our amazon app to AmazonSmile and get credit for all those purchases.
*If you have previously supported a different organization, you will see a choice to 'change charity'*
If you have any questions or issues, contact Emily White.
Overton Park Elementary
4865 Briarhaven Rd.
Fort Worth, TX 76109
Phone: (817) 814-6900
Fax: (817) 814-6950
Parent Page
©2020 Overton Park Elementary PTA, a 501(c)(3) organization
Parent Page